- Preheat the waffle iron and brush with corn oil.
2. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt. In a separate medium bowl, whisk together the milk, oil, eggs, and vanilla.
3. Pour the milk mixture into the flour mixture and stir together until combined.
4. Add about ¼ cup of batter to the hot waffle iron for each waffle. Cook until golden brown, Then Place on a wire rack until ready to serve.
5. For the caramelized bananas, place a non-stick skillet over medium heat. Add the caramel sauce and bring to a boil. Then add the banana slices. Cook for approximately 2 minutes until one side of the banana is coated in caramel and has some grill marks.
6. Gently flip the bananas and add the cinnamon, ensuring it coats the other side of the bananas. Cook for about 1 minute, or until the caramel turns a darker color. Gently stir to combine and cook until it boils and thickens. Just before the caramel burns, remove it from the heat. Serve with waffles and drizzle with additional caramel sauce.